Chickasaw Nation Constitution


Chickasaw Nation is located in Oklahoma with a population of 49,000 people. The constitution was enacted in 1983 and amended in 2002.  

Preamble: We, the people of the Chickasaw Nation, acknowledging with gratitude the grace and beneficence of God, in permitting us to make choice of our own form of government, do, in accordance with the first, second, fourth and seventh articles of the Treaty between the United States, the Choctaws and Chickasaws, made and concluded at Washington City, June 22, A.D. 1855, and the Treaty of April 28, A.D. 1866, ordain and establish this Constitution for our government, within the following limits, to-wit...

Native Nations

Chickasaw Nation. 1983. "Constitution of the Chickasaw Nation." Ada, OK. 

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