Hatching Economic Development: A New Business Incubator for Crow Creek

Indian Country Today

“I want to develop my breakfast-burrito business into a restaurant,” said Lisa Lengkeek, a member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe and 2013 winner of the South Dakota Indian Business Alliance contest for best business plan of the year. “I make the burritos at home and sell them at a stand. I have a big customer base, and I’m sure they’d patronize the restaurant.”

However, to open an eatery on the Crow Creek reservation, Lengkeek would have to start from the ground up, she said. She meant that literally: “There is no commercial space here–not one building I can rent. I would have to scrape the ground, pour cement, buy lumber, start hammering...”

Native Nations
Resource Type

Woodard, Stephanie. "Hatching Economic Development: A New Business Incubator for Crow Creek." Indian Country Today Media Network. June 27, 2013. Article. (https://ictnews.org/archive/hatching-economic-development-a-new-business-incubator-for-crow-creek, accessed May 31, 2023)

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