Kaw Nation Constitution

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Kaw Nation: Initiative & Referendum Excerpt

ARTICLE XII: INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Section 1. The citizens of the Kaw Nation reserve unto themselves the power of initiative and referendum. Section 2. Initiative. Any issue shall be submitted for an initiative election pursuant to this section upon receipt of a petition containing…

Kaw Nation: Distribution of Authority Excerpt

Section 3. General Council Powers. The General Council shall be the supreme legislative body of the Kaw Nation. A. The General Council is empowered to assist the Tribal Council and may, at its discretion, issue broad policy directives, which shall be dutifully pursued by the Tribal Council. Such…

Report on Best Practices in Developing Effective Processes of American Indian Constitutional Reform

The Executive Session on American Indian Constitutional Reform is a national working group of constitutional reformers from 12 American Indian nations and leading academics. The Executive Session meets twice a year to rethink strategies for strengthening tribal constitutions and constitution-making…