Indigenous Governance Database
corporate boards of directors

Helen Ben: Nation-Owned Businesses: The Meadow Lake Tribal Council
Former Meadow Lake Tribal Council (MLTC) Chief Helen Ben provides an overview of the various enterprises owned by MLTC, an intertribal organization formed for economic development purposes.

Michael Taylor: Nation-Owned Businesses: Quil Ceda Village
Tulalip Tribal Attorney Michael Taylor discusses Tulalip's rationale for taking the unique step of creating Quil Ceda Village, a federally chartered city, and the benefits this approach has brought the Tulalip Tribes.

Joan Timeche: The Practical Issues of Business Development - Some Things to Consider: Governing Body
Native Nations Institute Executive Director Joan Timeche shares her experiences as a board member on two tribal economic development corporations, and identifies some key things that Native nations need to consider as they work to craft effective approaches to corporate governance.

Northern Cheyenne Tribe starts business arm
How can a dent be put into the 72% unemployment rate on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation? One solution is business development, particularly tribal enterprise. Not a new concept because the Northern Cheyenne Tribe has established, owned and operated several businesses over the years gaining a…