ecosystem sustainability

Preparing for the health impacts of climate change in Indigenous communities: The role of community-based adaptation

Preparing for the health impacts of climate change in Indigenous communities: The role of community-based adaptation

Climate change presents substantial risks to the health of Indigenous peoples. Research is needed to inform health policy and practice for managing risks, with community based adaptation (CBA) emerging as one approach to conducting research to support such efforts. Few, if any, studies however…

Idle No More: Decolonizing Water, Food and Natural Resources With TEK

Idle No More: Decolonizing Water, Food and Natural Resources With TEK

Watersheds and Indigenous Peoples know no borders. Canada’s watershed management affects America’s watersheds, and vice versa. As Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper launches significant First Nations termination contrivance he negotiates legitimizing Canada’s settler colonialism under the guise…

8 Tribes That Are Way Ahead of the Climate-Adaptation Curve

8 Tribes That Are Way Ahead of the Climate-Adaptation Curve

Much has been made of the need to develop climate-change-adaptation plans, especially in light of increasingly alarming findings about how swiftly the environment that sustains life as we know it is deteriorating, and how the changes compound one another to quicken the pace overall. Studies, and…

Tribes Recondition Steelhead to Bring Back Endangered Trout

Tribes Recondition Steelhead to Bring Back Endangered Trout

The notion of “reconditioning steelhead” might sound outlandish, even a bit ominous, at least when applied to an animal. Reconditioning is what’s done to prepare discarded electronics for resale, and the word carries connotations of recycling. How does one recycle a fish? It turns out, though, to…

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Asatiwisipe Aki Management Plan

Asatiwisipe Aki Management Plan

The Asatiwisipe Aki Management Plan arises from several earlier initiatives by Poplar River First Nation. Poplar River has completed a variety of studies for the planning area, including traditional knowledge and community history interviews with Elders, traditional land use studies, archaeological…