Indigenous Governance Database
First Nations governance

MOU Membertou Circle of Governance
This short documentary looks at the Membertou First Nation and their efforts to become debt-free, attract new development to their area, and eliminate government dependency.

Membertou First Nation
This short documentary introduces the Membertou First Nation and explains how it freed itself from government dependency. The summary provided on the webpage with the video states: Through the marriage of indigenous knowledge and modern business practises, the Membertou First Nation has created its…

NCFNG: Youth and First Nation Governance
Satsan (Herb George), President of the National Centre for First Nation Governance, talks about the importance of involving youth in Nation Rebuilding.

First Nations Economic Development: The Meadow Lake Tribal Council
A new approach to economic development is emerging among the First Nations in Canada. This approach emphasizes the creation of profitable businesses competing in the global economy. These businesses are expected to help First Nations achieve their broader objectives that include: (i) greater…

Like An Ill-Fitting Boot: Government, Governance and Management Systems in the Contemporary Indian Act
Few people are satisfied with the Indian Act, but no one will deny its importance. For the individuals to whom it applies, the Act is a basic and specific constitutional document. It defines their rights and entitlements, their citizenship and their relationship to the federal and provincial…

The Indian Act and the Future of the Aboriginal Governance in Canada
The Indian Act is no longer an uncontestable part of the Aboriginal landscape in Canada. For decades, this controversial and intrusive piece of federal legislation governed almost all aspects of Aboriginal life, from the nature of band governance and land tenure systems to…

The Structure of the Indian Act: Accountability in Governance
The Indian Act has been criticized for giving the Chief and Council too little power to make their own decisions. The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples counted nearly 90 provisions that give the Minister of Indian Affairs powers over the Band and Band Council. But the Indian Act…

The Governance and Fiscal Environment of First Nations' Fiscal Intergovernmental Relations in Comparative Perspectives
This paper examines the Canadian Aboriginal fiscal inter-governmental system by comparing it to other countries, and also focuses on the key characteristics of the Canadian system. Over the last 20 years governments have decentralized power and responsibilities in response to an…

Seven Generations, Seven Teachings: Ending the Indian Act
Six generations have passed since the Indian Act was introduced and the seventh generation, now rising, will be healthier and our communities will enjoy more freedom if we assist them in getting rid of the Indian Act. Communities and the next generation can overcome the Indian Act’s hold over all…

The Jurisdiction of Inherent Right Aboriginal Governments
Since the recognition of Aboriginal and treaty rights in Canada by section 35(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982, the inherent right of the Aboriginal peoples to govern themselves has become a generally accepted aspect of Canadian constitutional law. But what is the scope of the…

Indigenous Governance: Questioning the Status and the Possibilities for Reconciliation with Canada's Commitment to Aboriginal and Treaty Rights
Indigenous peoples have always had governance. This fact has been a matter of great debate among Canadian politicians and scholars for many years, but there is little doubt that Indigenous Nations had developed for themselves complex systems of government prior to colonization. The…

Indian Act Colonialism: A Century Of Dishonour, 1869-1969
In 1867, with the passage of the British North America Act, Canadians began the process of nation building. Over the next few years, new provinces emerged--Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island--and Canada became, by 1873, a nation from sea to sea. At the same time, by way…