Indigenous Governance Database
home loans

U.S. Senate testimony: “Lending Opportunities: Opening the Door to Homeownership in Indian Country”
On Oct. 16, 2019, Center for Indian Country Development Director and Minneapolis Fed Assistant Vice President Patrice H. Kunesh testified before the U.S. Senate’s Indian Affairs Committee about the need for more housing and improved access to affordable lending on reservations. She said that “…

Honoring Nations: Kay Perry: Chuka Chukmasi Home Loan Program
Kay Perry with the Chickasaw Nation's Housing Counseling and Loan Service program provides an overview of the Chuka Chukmasi Home Loan Program and how the program uses human and financial resources wisely.

Credit union has grand opening at Fortune Bay
Banking will be much more accessible for Bois Forte Band members with the opening of the Northern Eagle Federal Credit Union. The non-profit institution celebrated its grand opening Monday at its Vermilion branch, located at Fortune Bay Resort Casino near Tower. Northern Eagle’s main branch is at…