land claims settlement

McGirt and Rebuilding of Tribal Nations

McGirt and Rebuilding Tribal Nations Toolbox

The McGirt decision has changed the legal landscape and created new opportunities for tribal nations starting with the Five Tribes in Eastern Oklahoma and potentially for tribal nations across Indian Country. It also has been the source of confusion, hyperbole, and alarm among some commentators.…


NCAI Forum: Protecting Tribal Lands and Sacred Places: Current Threats Across Indian Country

The latest in NCAI’s ongoing series of virtual events featuring tribal leaders, this forum shares the stories of five tribal nations working to protect their tribal homelands in the face of baseless attacks by the federal government, and discussed how the federal government must recommit to its…

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Grand Traverse Band's Land Claims Distribution Trust Fund

Grand Traverse Band's Land Claims Distribution Trust Fund

After 26 years of negotiation with the US government over how monies from a land claims settlement would be distributed, the Band assumed financial control over the settlement by creating a Trust Fund system that provides annual payments in perpetuity to Band elders for supplementing their social…

Indian Country Today Article

The Bay Mills Buck Stops With NIGC

With a case of potentially catastrophic consequence for Indian country now pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, all of the players who can possibly prevent the disaster are either sitting on their hands or pointing fingers. The National Indian Gaming Commission has failed to act, citing a…