Indigenous Governance Database

Kaw Nation: Initiative & Referendum Excerpt
ARTICLE XII: INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Section 1. The citizens of the Kaw Nation reserve unto themselves the power of initiative and referendum. Section 2. Initiative. Any issue shall be submitted for an initiative election pursuant to this section upon receipt of a petition containing…

Robert Hershey and Andrew Martinez: The Legal Process of Constitutional Reform (Q&A)
Robert Hershey and Andrew Martinez engage participants in a lively discussion about the intricacies of secretarial elections and whether and how Native nations with Indian Reorganization Act constitutions should remove the Secretary of Interior approval clause from those governing documents.

Miriam Jorgensen: Considering People-Made Law in Your Constitution (Presentation Highlight)
In this highlight from the presentation "Key Things a Constitution Should Address: 'How Do We Make Law?'," Miriam Jorgensen lays out some of the different ways that Native nations can provide mechanisms for citizens of those nations to make laws or change laws governing those nations.

Julia Coates: The Process of Constitutional Reform: What the Cherokee Nation Did and Why
Cherokee Nation Councilor Julia Coates presents an overview of the constitutional history of the Cherokee Nation, and chronicles the process the Cherokee Nation followed to reform its constitution in 1999.

Special White Earth Constitutional Reform Issue
As the White Earth Nation prepares for a referendum election to approve or reject the proposed constitution, the Reform Committee has implemented a series of citizen engagement activities that includes a special issue of the tribal newspaper to inform citizens of the election date, proposed changes…