Indigenous Governance Database
solar energy

Island First Nation grasps potential of alternative power
While oil pipeline debates, anti-fracking protests and increasing fossil fuel demands embroil the country from coast to coast, a small Vancouver Island First Nation is leading the way on a different path. In the past five years, the seaside T’Sou-ke nation has become a world-renowned leader in…

Tribes Get $6 Million in Federal Funds for Energy Efficiency Project
Eleven tribal communities are receiving a total of $6 million toward renewable energy projects and technologies, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced. It is part of President Barack Obama’s ongoing initiative to help tribal nations and Alaska Native villages reduce fossil fuel use, save…

Northern California Tribe Harnesses Sun and Wind for Renewable Energy System
It’s sunny and windy on the northern coast of California. So why not put these elements to good use to help power a reservation, expand energy independence and reduce the carbon footprint? That’s the thinking behind the decision by the 577-member Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria to…

Forest County Potawatomi Renewables Program Nets EPA Top 30 Nod
They squelched a mine, established air-quality monitoring and built a solar plant. Where does a tribe go from there? For the Forest County Potawatomi Community it meant going deeper. The tribe has translated traditional values into a program that uses cutting-edge technologies and sophisticated…

Henry Red Cloud Leads the Renewable-Energy Charge at Pine Ridge
There is a revolution under way to bring renewable resources to Native American people. Led by modern-day warrior Henry Red Cloud, a direct fifth generation descendent of Red Cloud, the famous Lakota war chief, and Trees, Water & People (TWP), inroads are being made one home and one business at…