Indigenous Governance Database
Chilkat Indian Village

Chilkat Indian Village Constitution
The Chilkat Indian Village is located in Southeastern Alaska with a population of 140 people. The constitution was enacted in 2006. The village was involved in a famous cultural property case about Whale House rain screen and totem poles. Preamble: We, a sovereign community of Tlingit Indians…

Chilkat Indian Village: Legislative Functions Excerpt
ARTICLE V — POWERS OF THE VILLAGE Section 1. The Council shall have the power: (n) To adjudicate matters of a civil and criminal nature, arising within the Tribe’s jurisdiction and to establish tribal courts if deemed necessary for that purpose. (o) To enact ordinances and take any other action…

Chilkat Indian Village: Citizenship Excerpt
ARTICLE III — MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Defined: The membership of the Chilkat Indian Village shall consist of the following: (a) Original members.- All persons whose names appear on the 1940 census roll, prepared in accordance with the Instructions of the Secretary of the Interior for Organization in…