Indigenous Governance Database
Jicarilla Apache Tribe

Jicarilla Apache Constitution
Location: New Mexico, USA Population: 4,800 Date of Constitution: 1937

Jicarilla Apache Tribe: Judiciary Functions/Dispute Resolution Excerpt
ARTICLE VI-POWERS OF THE REPRESENTATIVE TRIBAL COUNCIL SECTION 4. Peace and Order.-The Council may make regulations, subject to review by the Secretary of the Interior, to protect the peace, safety, morals, and general welfare of the reservation, to provide a means of settling disputes, and to…

Jicarilla Apache's Wildlife and Fisheries Management Program
Recognized by state game and fish agencies as being one of the best of its kind, JGFD’s program includes a game and fish code and a wildlife management fund for habitat enhancement projects. The program restored the reservation’s mule deer population and trophy trout, and established a commercial…

Honoring Nations: Miriam Jorgensen: Achieving Good Governance: Cross-Cutting Themes
Miriam Jorgensen, Director of Research for the Native Nations Institute and the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, shares the cross-cutting themes of good governance that exist among the Honoring Nations award-winning programs.

Honoring Nations: What is Good Tribal Governance and Why is it Important?: Tribal Leaders' Perspectives
Moderator Joseph P. Kalt facilitates a rich discussion by an impressive panel of Native nation leaders about the role leaders play in building and sustaining successful tribal programs.