Indigenous Governance Database
Rosebud Sioux Tribe

Rosebud Sioux Tribe: Elections Excerpt
Article VI - Elections Section 1. Any enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, at least eighteen (18) years of age, who has resided for at least thirty (30) days immediately prior to the election day in the district in which he anticipates to vote, is qualified to vote. (Amendment XIV effective…

Rosebud Sioux Tribe: Legislative Functions Excerpt
Article IV - Powers of the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council Section 1. Enumerated powers - The Council of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe shall exercise the following powers subject to any limitations imposed by the statutes or the Constitution of the United States, and subject further to all express…

Rosebud Sioux Tribal Education Department and Code
Responding to disproportionately low academic attendance, achievement, and attainment levels, the Tribe created an education department (TED) in 1990 and developed a Code that regulates and coordinates various aspects of the tribal schools, public schools, and federally-funded Indian education…

Frank Pommersheim: Constitutions: Powers, Implementation, and Interpretation
University of South Dakota Professor of Law Frank Pommersheim discusses the fundamental difference between a plenary power constitution and a reserved or enumerated powers constitution, and recommends that Native nations think very carefully about constitutional implementation and…

Frank Pommersheim: A Key Constitutional Issue: Dispute Resolution
University of South Dakota Professor of Law Frank Pommersheim discusses the key constitutional issue of dispute resolution and presents three cases demonstrating how tribes are endowing their constitutions with legitimacy through the careful, thoughtful resolution of disputes.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe boosts local economy
The Rosebud Sioux Tribe, located in the second poorest country in South Dakota, is making moves to create a way to not only save money for the tribal membership, but also create jobs. "We live in an economically depressed area, so we have to find every small way we can to help people locally," said…

Native Entrepreneurship in South Dakota: A Deeper Look
Native Entrepreneurship in South Dakota: a Deeper Look is designed to raise the profile of Native entrepreneurship in South Dakota and offer lessons for policymakers, foundations, tribes, and non-profits in developing effective policies and strategies. The research identified the following key…