Nisga’a Nation Constitution

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Nisga'a Nation: Judiciary Functions/Dispute Resolution Excerpt

CHAPTER 8-DISPUTE RESOLUTION  48. Principles of dispute resolution Nisga’a seek to resolve disputes based on values expressed in the Ayuuk, including: (a) preserving the unity of the Nisga’a Nation; (b) maintaining the dignity of and respect for each individual; (c) acknowledging wrongdoing,…


People of the Nisga'a Nation discuss custom and tradition before the Indian Act. They tell how they made the move back to traditional ways through strategic planning and abandoned oppressive ways of the Indian Act.

Best Practices Case Study (Rule of Law): Nisga’a Nation

Nisga'a Nation, comprised of four communities; New Aiyansh, Gitwinksihlkw, Laxgalt'sap, and Gingolx, is located in northwestern B.C. In the 1890s, Nisga'a hereditary chiefs and matriarchs formed the Nisga'a Land Committee and began to aggressively pursue self-government and title to their lands. In…