Section 3. - [Powers and Duties of Chair.] The powers and duties of the Chair of The Tribal Council shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) to serve as the chief executive officer of The Tribe and as head of the executive branch of the tribal government;
(b) to carry out the policies established by The Tribal Council through its passage of any ordinances and resolutions necessary or incidental to the exercise of any of the powers and duties enumerated in Article IX above, and to be accountable to The Council to see that said policies are faithfully executed;
(c) to negotiate, execute and carry out contracts or agreements with tribal, foreign, federal, state, and local governments, private persons, or corporate bodies, provided, that such contracts and agreements shall not be valid unless and until approved by The Tribal Council;
(d) to manage, administer and direct the operation of tribal programs, activities, and services and to report to The Tribal Council the status of each program at least annually;
(e) to direct the preparation of budgets, budget estimates and financial reports for submission to or at the direction of The Tribal Council;
(f) to assure the proper receipt, deposit, disbursement, and accounting of all funds (or funds under control of The Tribe) consistent with this Constitution and such policies as may be established by The Tribal Council;
(g) to provide for the protection and maintenance of the property, equipment, and official records of The Tribe;
(h) to provide for enforcement of the rules, regulations, and ordinances enacted by The Tribal Council;
(i) to preside over the meetings of The Tribal Council; and
(j) to exercise such additional powers as are necessary or incidental to the performance of the powers and duties enumerated above.
Section 4. - [Powers and Duties of Vice-Chair.] In the absence of the Chair, it shall be the Vice-Chair's duty and responsibility to preside over The Tribal Council meetings. The Vice-Chair of The Tribal Council shall assist the Chair when called upon to do so and shall maintain a current list of members of The Mohegan Tribe.
Section 5. - [Duties of Recording Secretary.] The Recording Secretary shall ensure that a full and complete record of all transactions of The Tribal Council and Tribal meetings are kept, and shall submit promptly to the Chair all copies of the minutes, resolutions adopted, and ordinances passed at all meetings of The Tribal Council.
Section 6. - [Duties of Corresponding Secretary.] The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence issued by The Tribal Council, and shall be responsible for communicating all appropriate information from The Tribal Council to other members of The Mohegan Tribe and/or to The Tribal Administration.
Section 7. - [Duties of Treasurer.] The Treasurer shall cause to be audited all tribal funds and accounts at least once per year, and at such other times as requested by The Tribal Council or by any other lawful authority, and shall be the custodian of the liquid assets of The Mohegan Tribe. Additionally:
(a) Unless otherwise provided, the Treasurer and Chair shall sign and approve all disbursements of tribal funds or grant or contract funds under the administrative control of The Tribe.
(b) The Treasurer shall be included in the membership of any committee established by The Tribal Council, at least insofar as budgetary and financial matters are concerned.
Section 8. - [Authority to Form Committees.] The Tribal Council may authorize the formation of committees to carry out its duties, as it deems necessary and proper. A committee of The Tribal Council shall be defined as a body of one or more persons appointed or elected by The Tribal Council to consider or investigate or take action in regards to those matters assigned to it by The Tribal Council. Tribal Council committees are subordinate to The Tribal Council, who shall delegate authority to each committee at its discretion, and who shall define the duties, membership and quorum for each committee.
Indigenous Governance Database
Mohegan Tribe: Executive Functions Excerpt
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