Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe Constitution

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Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe: Citizenship Excerpt

ARTICLE II -- MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. The membership of the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe shall consist of-- (a) All original allottees at Fort McDermitt, and such of their descendants as do now maintain a bona-fide residence on the former Fort McDermitt Military Reserve. (b) Every child…


Scholar Carole Goldberg shares what she's learned about citizenship criteria from her extensive work with Native nations across the country, and sets forth the internal and external considerations that Native nations need to wrestle with in determining what their citizenship criteria should be.

The Will of the People: Citizenship in the Osage Nation

This teaching case tells the story of Tony, one of nine Osage government reform commissioners placed in charge of determining the "will of the people" in reforming the government of the Osage Nation. Because of Congressional law the Osage Nation had been forced into an alien form of government for…