If you're an Aboriginal person thinking about starting or expanding a business, this toolkit has been developed with you in mind. While many helpful guides exist, this document includes considerations that may be of particular interest to you, your family and your community. Whether you live on-reserve, in a small town, or in a large city, this toolkit provides business development supports, tools and information to help you start and operate a successful business.
This toolkit is designed to help you explore the many things you need to think about, research and undertake when starting a business. In each chapter, you'll find helpful information, checklists and questions for you to consider. If you're thinking about starting a business, begin with Chapter One. If you already own a business, you could refer to the table of contents and determine which chapter focuses on your particular area of interest...
Additional Information
Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. "Aboriginal Business Development Toolkit." Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. Government of Ontario. Queen's Printer for Ontario. Toronto, Ontario. 2011. Toolkit. (https://www.ccab.com/tfab/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/06/Aboriginal-Business-Development-Toolkit.pdf, accessed February 27, 2023)