Nipissing Gichi-Naaknigewin

Nipissing First Nation Administration

Nipissing First Nation members and staff, members of Chief and Council, as well as the Grand Council Chief, speak to the Nipissing Gichi-Naaknigewin.

Native Nations

Nipissing First Nation Administration. "Nipissing Gichi Naaknigewin." Nipissing First Nation Administration. Ontario, Canada. December 19, 2013. Video. (, accessed May 30, 2024)

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Nipissing First Nation passes first Ontario Aboriginal constitution

The Nipissing First Nation has passed a constitution that's believed to be the only First Nations constitution in Ontario. But there are questions about what this document actually does for the community. The constitution was passed by the Nipissing First Nation with a vote of 319 to 56. …


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