Yakama Nation Fights For Restored Authority


January 17, 2014 was a big day for the Yakama Nation tribe.

On that day, Washington governor Jay Inslee signed a proclamation returning almost all civil and criminal authorities over to tribal members on the eastern Washington reservation. The next step is federal approval before the proclamation can take effect.

“The biggest benefit is that we have the right to determine our own destiny and our own laws,” said Tribal Council Chairman Harry Smiskin to the Yakima Herald Republic.

Native Nations
Resource Type

Majumdar, Sumedha. "Yakama Nation Fights For Restored Authority" Seattle Spectator.  January 17, 2014. Article. (https://seattlespectator.com/2014/01/29/yakama-nation-fights-for-restored-authority, accessed February 23, 2023)

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