Cass County Board, Leech Lake Tribal Council hold productive joint discussions, first in three-plus years


A wide-ranging conversation between Leech Lake Tribal Council and Cass County Board of Commissioners, held Friday at the new Leech Lake Government Center in Cass Lake, concluded with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two governmental units.

The MOU is designed to improve communications and cooperation between Cass County and the Leech Lake Band, specifically “to provide a framework for cooperation ... for natural resource management, community development, economic development and maintaining Ojibwe cultural life-ways.”...

Native Nations
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DeBoer, Gail. "Cass County Board, Leech Lake Tribal Council hold productive joint discussions, first in three-plus years." The Pilot Independent. February 5, 2014. Article. (, accessed February 10, 2014)

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