New Alaska Native Business Powerhouse Assembled In Alaska's Arctic


Representatives of Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), NANA Regional Corporation (NANA) and Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC) are announcing the establishment of the Iñuit Arctic Business Alliance (IABA).

IABA's mission is to provide a unified voice, collective vision, guidelines and venue for doing business in the Arctic. IABA's goals are to ensure that their respective regions directly benefit from activity and operations in the Alaska Arctic. IABA will provide the Arctic Alaska Iñuit a voice, with respect to transportation, infrastructure, energy and all facets of sustainable economic development and cultural stewardship.

Native Nations
Resource Type

"New Alaska Native Business Powerhouse Assembled In Alaska's Arctic." PRNewswire. June 25, 2015. Article. (, accessed May 30, 2024)

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