Danielle Hiraldo


Indigenous Peoples and research: self-determination in research governance

Indigenous Peoples are reimagining their relationship with research and researchers through greater self-determination and involvement in research governance. The emerging discourse around Indigenous Data Sovereignty has provoked discussions about decolonizing data practices and highlighted the…

THE RISE OF INDIGENOUS RECOGNITION: Implications for comparative politics

The Rise of Indigenous Recognition: Implications for Comparative Politics

Recent decades have ushered in a new era for the recognition of Indigenous rights. Today, more than half of all United Nations member states recognize some form of Indigenous governance in their constitutions (Holzinger et al 2019), and dozens more have done so statutorily. This marks the…

Case Report Indigenous Sovereignty in a Pandemic Tribal Codes in the United States as Preparedness.png

Case Report: Indigenous Sovereignty in a Pandemic: Tribal Codes in the United States as Preparedness

Indigenous Peoples globally and in the United States have combatted and continue to face disease, genocide, and erasure, often the systemic result of settler colonial policies that seek to eradicate Indigenous communities. Many Native nations in the United States have asserted their inherent…

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Policy Brief: Native Nation Rebuilding for Tribal Research and Data Governance

Policy Brief: Native Nation Rebuilding for Tribal Research and Data Governance

Indigenous Peoples conducted research long before their interactions with European settlers. Whether through observation or practice, research in a non-western context was woven into Indigenous ways of knowing and being. It continues to inform Indigenous Knowledges of landscapes and natural…