Jonathan B. Taylor

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Why beggar thy Indian neighbor? The case for tribal primacy in taxation in Indian country

Why beggar thy Indian neighbor? The case for tribal primacy in taxation in Indian country

The law governing taxation in Indian country is a mess. The accretion of common law precedents and the general tendency of states to assert primacy over the taxation of non-Indians create absurd outcomes. This article makes the case three ways. The argument based on the law shows that…

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Social and Economic Consequences of Indian Gaming in Oklahoma

Social and Economic Consequences of Indian Gaming in Oklahoma

Much has been written in the mainstream press about Indian gaming and its impact on Indian and non-Indian communities. The debate, however, tends to be focused on Class III or “casino-style” gaming. The effects of Class II gaming have largely been overlooked by the press and, unfortunately, by the…

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Determinantes del Éxito del desarrollo En las Naciones nativas de los Estados Unidos (Spanish)

Determinantes del Éxito del desarrollo En las Naciones nativas de los Estados Unidos (Spanish)

La pobreza de los indígenas norteamericanos, especialmente los que viven en las reservaciones, han preocupado ambos políticos Indígenas y Federales por más de un siglo. Después de la fase de la fabricación del tratado y del establecimiento del sistema de reservación, las políticas federales para…

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Determinantes de sucesso no desenvolvimentodas nacões Indígenas dos Estados Unidos (Portuguese)

Determinantes de sucesso no desenvolvimentodas nacoes Indígenas dos Estados Unidos (Portuguese)

A pobreza dos indígenas norte-americanos, principalmente daqueles que vivem nas reservas, tem preocupado os responsáveis pela definição de políticas indígenas e federais por mais de um século. Depois da fase de negociação dos tratados e do estabelecimento do sistema de reservas, as medidas…

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Bitsi' Yishtlizhii Dine'é Binaaish Binahji' Yéego Bee Bidziilgo Deiilyeedigii

Bitsi' Yishtlizhii Dine'é Binaaish Binahji' Yéego Bee Bidziilgo Deiíl­yeedígíí­

The poverty of Indigenous North Americans, especially those living on reservations, has concerned Indian and federal policymakers for more than a century. After the treaty-making phase and the establishment of the reservation system, federal policies to address Native poverty vacillated between…

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Determinants of Development Success in the Native Nations of the United States (English)

Determinants of Development Success in the Native Nations of the United States (English)

The poverty of indigenous North Americans, especially those living on reservations, has concerned Indian and federal policymakers for more than a century. After the treaty making phase and the establishment of the reservation system, federal policies to address Native poverty vacillated between…


Good Native Governance Break Out 2: Indian Gaming in California

UCLA School of Law "Good Native Governance" conference presenters, panelists and participants Jonathan Taylor, Victor Rocha, and Alexander Tallchief Skibine discuss gaming and its impact for Native nations in California. Mr. Taylor provides a summary of data collection illustrating change in…

Social and Economic Change on American Indian Reservations: A Databook of the US Censuses and the American Community Survey 1990 – 2010

Social and Economic Change on American Indian Reservations: A Databook of the US Censuses and the American Community Survey 1990-2010

The fortunes of Indians on reservations continue to lag those of other racial and ethnic groups tracked by the census in the United States. The per capita income of Indians on reservations, for example, has been less than half the US average, consistently falling far below that of Hispanics,…

The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Indian Tribes in Washington

The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Indian Tribes in Washington

The economies of Washington’s Indian reservations have grown over the last half-decade, and despite some complaints to the contrary, Washington taxpayers have little to fear and much to gain from American Indian economic development. The evidence points to strong net benefits for Indians and non-…

What Determines Indian Economic Success? Evidence from Tribal and Individual Indian Enterprises

What Determines Indian Economic Success? Evidence from Tribal and Individual Indian Enterprises

Prior analysis of American Indian nations' unemployment, poverty, and growth rates indicates that poverty in Indian Country is a problem of institutions particularly political institutions, not a problem of economics per se. Using unique data on Indian-owned enterprises, this paper sheds light on…