Nancy Lynn Palmanteer-Holder

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Reclaiming Indigenous Health in the US: Moving beyond the Social Determinants of Health

Reclaiming Indigenous Health in the US: Moving beyond the Social Determinants of Health

The lack of literature on Indigenous conceptions of health and the social determinants of health (SDH) for US Indigenous communities limits available information for Indigenous nations as they set policy and allocate resources to improve the health of their citizens. In 2015, eight …

Data as a Strategic Resource: Self-determination, Governance, and the Data Challenge for Indigenous Nations in the United States

Data as a Strategic Resource: Self-determination, Governance , and the Data Challenge for Indigenous Nations in the United States

Data about Indigenous populations in the United States are inconsistent and irrelevant. Federal and state governments and researchers direct most collection, analysis, and use of data about U.S. Indigenous populations. Indigenous Peoples’ justified mistrust further complicates the collection and…