Professor Breaks Down Sovereignty and Explains its Significance


Sovereignty is one of those terms we toss around without much thought. It is an important word within contemporary American Indian discussions. The term itself draws from legal, cultural, political, and historical traditions, and these traditions are connected to both European as well as Indigenous philosophies in complicated ways. A shared understanding of the term would be helpful to both local people working on their own issues, and working with surrounding communities. Rather than defining sovereignty as a term, what I hope to do here is acknowledge aspects of sovereignty that have become sticking points as Indigenous people assert their own self-determination. I won’t go into Indigenous philosophies about sovereignty because it’s probably none of your business...

Resource Type

Chad Uran, Shaawano. "Professor Breaks Down Sovereignty and Explains its Significance." Indian Country Today Media Network. January 2, 2014. Opinion. (…, accessed March 2, 2022)

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