Comanche Nation: Citizenship Excerpt


Section 1. The membership of the Comanche Nation shall consist of the following:
(a) All persons, who received an allotment of land as members of the Comanche Nation under the Act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stat. 672), and subsequent Acts, shall be included as full blood members of the tribe.
(b) All living direct descendants of allottees eligible for membership under the provisions of Section 1(a) of this Article born on or before the date of adoption of this constitution.
(c) All descendants of allottees eligible for membership under the provision of Section 1.(a) of this Article, having one eighth (1/8) or more degree of Comanche Indian Blood.

Native Nations

Comanche Nation. 1966. "Constitution of the Comanche Nation." Lawton, OK.

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Comanche Nation Constitution

The Comanche Nation is located in Oklahoma with a population of 14,700 people. The constitution was enacted in 1966, and amended in 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1994, and 2002. PREAMBLE: Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, we, the members of the Comanche Nation with faith in the purposes…