The Intergovernmental Affairs Department has achieved positive intergovernmental relationships with federal, state, and local governments by pursuing a five-pronged strategy of communication, education, cooperation, contributions, and presence. Since the Department’s creation, the Tribe has raised public awareness, built coalitions, and forged partnerships with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and the US Forest Service. By establishing a strong presence at the state capital, forming a skilled team of tribal advocates, and developing a legislative tracking system that informs the Tribal Council of important bills and initiatives, the Department is now in a position to take a proactive role in state and federal Indian affairs and to earn credibility and respect for the Tribe amongst all governments.
Additional Information
"Enhancing Government-to-Government Relationships". Honoring Nations: 2000 Honoree. The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2001. Report.