What does an Indigenous approach to wealth look like? How can Indigenous wealth concepts help us heal our future? What are examples of wealth building happening in Indigenous communities?
Native Governance Center's Indigenous Peoples' Day 2021 event, "Healing our future: Indigenous wealth building for seven generations," provides viewers with an overview of Indigenous wealth concepts and a deep dive into how Indigenous people are building wealth in their communities. It also explores how Indigenous ideas about wealth can help all of us heal for the next seven generations. The event features stories from three Indigenous wealth building leaders: Dallas Nelson, Tasha Peltier, and Dani Pieratos.
Additional Information
Native Governance Center. Healing Our Future: Indigenous Wealth Building for Seven Generations. Oct. 12, 2021. Youtube video. Accessed Apr. 28, 2023. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMswM6rzo84
Transcripts for all videos are available by request. Please email us: nni@arizona.edu.