data sovereignty

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Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Policy

Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Policy

This book examines how Indigenous Peoples around the world are demanding greater data sovereignty, and challenging the ways in which governments have historically used Indigenous data to develop policies and programs. In the digital age, governments are increasingly dependent on data and data…

Indigenous Data Sovereignty- Activating Policy and Practice

Indigenous Data Sovereignty: Activating Policy and Practice

The Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA), the US Indigenous Data Sovereignty Network (USIDSN), and ORCID invite you to join us for a webinar about Global Indigenous Data Alliance Policy Interaction. We have asked three panelists to speak about their experiences with Indigenous Data Sovereignty;…

Operationalizing the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance” Webinar

Operationalizing the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance Webinar

Presented by: Stephanie R. Carroll, Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona Jane Anderson, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology and Museum Studies, New York University Extractive and unethical research practices led to the…

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GIDA-RDA COVID-19 Guidelines for Data Sharing Respecting Indigenous Data Sovereignty

GIDA-RDA COVID-19 Guidelines for Data Sharing Respecting Indigenous Data Sovereignty

Indigenous Peoples around the globe have diverse narratives of resilience and adaptability; however, they are also acutely impacted by the negative social, economic, environmental and health outcomes of COVID-19 (UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2020). As such, it is vital…

Indigenous Data in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Straddling Erasure, Terrorism, and Sovereignty

Indigenous Data in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Straddling Erasure, Terrorism, and Sovereignty

On April 10, 2020, Covid-19 case rates on tribal lands were more than four times the rate in the United States.1 Indigenous Peoples across the country continue to be disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus. As of May 18, 2020, the Navajo Nation has the highest Covid-19 case rates surpassing…


Indigenous Data Sovereignty: The CARE Principles and the Biocultural Labels Initiative

  The NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology Alliance is a dynamic and multidisciplinary group of NYU faculty who are experts on the responsible and ethical creation, use and governance of technology in society. The Alliance is a provostial initiative that connects numerous NYU hubs…

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Policy Brief: Indigenous Data Sovereignty in Arizona: Setting an Agenda

Policy Brief: Indigenous Data Sovereignty in Arizona: Setting an Agenda

Indigenous data sovereignty asserts the rights of Native nations and Indigenous Peoples to govern the collection, ownership, and application of their own data. Indigenous data sovereignty derives from tribes’ inherent right to govern their peoples, lands, and resources. In the United States and…

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Policy Brief: Supporting Tribal Data Governance for Indigenous Community Climate Resilience

Policy Brief: Supporting Tribal Data Governance for Indigenous Community Climate Resilience

Tribal communities have the right to define, collect, protect, interpret, manage, and apply data in a way that respects Indigenous ethics, values, and relational responsibilities. These rights are critically relevant in the context of increasing climate impacts, where Indigenous communities need…

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Principles of Indigenous Data Governance

Principles of Indigenous Data Governance

Indigenous data, whether collected by national governments and institutions or gathered by Indigenous Peoples themselves, are integral for: decision-making; the exercise of collective rights to self-determination; the affirmation and application of Indigenous epistemologies; and fulfilling…

Access and Management: Indigenous Perspectives on Genomic Data Sharing

Access and Management: Indigenous Perspectives on Genomic Data Sharing

As genomic researchers are encouraged to engage in broad genomic data shar­ing, American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AI/AN/NH) leaders have raised questions about ownership of data and biospecimens and concerns over emerging challenges and potential threats to tribal sovereignty. Using a…

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CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance

CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance

Los Principios CREA para la Gobernanza de Datos Indigenas The increasing convergence of technology infrastructure and digital connectivity has raised the value of data across the globe. Whether existing knowledge is digitised or new data are ‘born digital’, the impact they have on decision-making,…

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Tribal Data Governance and Informational Privacy: Constructing "Indigenous Data Sovereignty"

Tribal Data Governance and Informational Privacy: Constructing "Indigenous Data Sovereignty"

There is a growing movement among Indigenous peoples to assert aright to “Indigenous data sovereignty,” and yet, the term “data sovereignty” is not widely understood. What does it mean to control the collection, useand management of information in an era of “Big Data,” in which digital technology…


Issues in Open Data: Indigenous Data Sovereignty

Open data in the context of Indigenous peoples is a double-edged sword. Open data is a site of tension for Indigenous peoples. Open data provides opportunities for sustainable development according to Indigenous aspirations, yet also sits at the nexus of current and historic data challenges as a…


Indigenous Data Sovereignty Panel IDSOV Summit Arizona 2019

Native scholars working to advance the research on indigenous data sovereignty give their perspectives on the issues facing Native communities around data collection and date use. Dr. Jameson D. Lopez (Fort Yuma Quechan (Kwatsáan) Indian Tribe), Carmenlita Chief (Navajo Nation), and Dr. Tennille…

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Genomic Research Through an Indigenous Lens: Understanding the Expectations

Genomic Research Through an Indigenous Lens: Understanding the Expectations

Indigenous scholars are leading initiatives to improve access to genetic and genomic research and health care based on their unique cultural contexts and within sovereign-based governance models created and accepted by their peoples. In the past, Indigenous peoples’ engagement with genomic research…

Good Data Practices for Indigenous Data Sovereignty

Good Data Practices for Indigenous Data Sovereignty

Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDS) and Indigenous Data Governance are Indigenous-led movements and practices through which Indigenous peoples are setting their own visions for good data regarding data generated and collected by and about them. IDS movements and practices can be seen as a…


Indigenous Data Sovereignty: Global Progression

On May 18, 2018 at the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Conference in Los Angeles, six leading scholars discussed the landscape and global opportunities and challenges Indigenous peoples face in the growing Indigenous data sovereignty movement. The presentations…

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Policy Brief: Indigenous Data Sovereignty in the United States

Policy Brief: Indigenous Data Sovereignty in the United States

We live in the information age. Governments, industries, and organizations of all kinds are claiming a right to gather information on everything from our spending habits to our health records. Data has become a global currency, a valuable asset, and a source of power. Native nations are part…

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Policy Brief: Data Governance for Native Nation Rebuilding

Policy Brief: Data Governance for Native Nation Rebuilding

Native nations in the United States are increasingly exercising Indigenous data sovereignty (ID-Sov)— the right of a nation to govern the collection, ownership, and application of its own data. While ID-Sov is the goal, data governance— the ownership, collection, control,…

Data as a Strategic Resource: Self-determination, Governance, and the Data Challenge for Indigenous Nations in the United States

Data as a Strategic Resource: Self-determination, Governance , and the Data Challenge for Indigenous Nations in the United States

Data about Indigenous populations in the United States are inconsistent and irrelevant. Federal and state governments and researchers direct most collection, analysis, and use of data about U.S. Indigenous populations. Indigenous Peoples’ justified mistrust further complicates the collection and…