Indigenous Governance Database
environmental remediation

Yukaana Development Corporation (Louden Tribal Council)
The Louden Tribal Council created the Yukaana Development Corporation in 1998 to address the concerns of environmental degradation and environmental justice through training and employment. Under a contract with the US Air Force, the tribally owned Corporation cleans contamination caused by a local…

We Are the Stewards: Indigenous-Led Fisheries Innovation in North America
This paper offers an overview of the current state of Indigenous-led fisheries management in the United States and Canada. It summarizes major trends in Indigenous-led fisheries innovation in North America and presents common keys and challenges to the success of these efforts. It chronicles three…

Honoring Nations: Theresa Clark: Yukaana Development Corporation
Theresa Clark of the Yukaana Development Corporation (YDC) in Alaska describes the environmental catastrophe that prompted YDC's establishment and how YDC is working to build the capacity of its own people to do the important work that YDC does.

Honoring Nations: Pat Sweetsir: Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council
Middle Yukon Representative Pat Sweetsir of the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) discusses how and why the Indigenous nations living in the Yukon River Watershed decided to establish the YRITWC, and the positive impacts it is having on the health of the watershed and those who…

Honoring Nations: Jon Waterhouse and Rob Rosenfeld: The Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council
Jon Waterhouse and Rob Rosenfeld provide an overview of the work accomplished by the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, demonstrating the benefits of Native nations who have common cultures and challenges to band together to solve issues of mutual concern.