Indigenous Governance Database
Mescalero Apache Tribe

8 Tribes That Are Way Ahead of the Climate-Adaptation Curve
Much has been made of the need to develop climate-change-adaptation plans, especially in light of increasingly alarming findings about how swiftly the environment that sustains life as we know it is deteriorating, and how the changes compound one another to quicken the pace overall. Studies, and…

Mescalero Apache Tribe: Innovative approaches to climate change adaptation
There is no disagreement that the climate in the Sacramento Mountains has been getting warmer and dryer in recent years. Indeed, the temperature and drought regimes of late have been described as extreme by state meteorologists. The winter season, the period of time between the first freeze and the…

The Peoples' Forest: Emerging Strategies on the Mescalero Apache Forest Reserves
This case raises questions about how American Indian Tribes reshape the care of forests on Indian lands by coordinating science-based forestry methodology and traditional ecological knowledge to meet their goals. Working the case, students are challenged to look for ways that the Mescalero Apache…