Navajo Nation Delegation Still Ironing Out Issues After Three Years

Indian Country Today

More government reform may be on the horizon for the Navajo Nation.

December 15 marks the three-year anniversary of the passing of a referendum that cut the 88-delegate legislative branch to 24 delegates. That vote went before the people, who approved reducing the Council by more than two-thirds.

“The 88 delegates were a problem because there was too much leadership and they were not on the same page,” Shelly said.

Shelly, who served as vice president with former President Joe Shirley Jr., was a leading force behind the referendum, promising the reduction would streamline government business and save money.

Now Shelly says the cuts didn’t bring the desired results.

Native Nations
Resource Type

Landry, Alysa. "Navajo Nation Delegation Still Ironing Out Issues After Three Years." Indian Country Today. November 30, 2012. Article. (, accessed May 30, 2024)

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