Mi'gmaq Nation Listuguj

National Centre for First Nations Governance

The Listuguj Mi'gmaq Listuguj Nation started a movement to protect their salmon fisheries involving protests, arrests, and eventually organizing to establish fishery laws in eastern Quebec. They formalized documents and laws to assert their jurisdiction that began at a grass-roots level in the community and rose up to the government level. This activism resulted in award-winning fishing management plans. The implementation of those plans required trained personnel to handle disputes with outside non-Native agencies and entities. The nation succeeded in exercising their inherent right to conserve and manage their waters that was respected and acknowledged by non-Native communities.

Native Nations

"Mi'gmaq Nation Listuguj." Bear Images Productions. National Centre for First Nations Governance. Canada. 2010. Film. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJNAbGXk9cU&feature=plcp, accessed September 18, 2012). 

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