Radical New Way to 'Museum': A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center


Many people think of museums as dusty, static, boring places. They’re where you go if you want to see old bones, old artifacts, and the odd diorama. They’re not living, breathing spaces where cultures come alive.

Enter the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center in Zuni, New Mexico, which has done its best to change that perception. According to Jim Enote, the museum’s executive director, this unique museum gives guests an opportunity to join the Zuni community’s conversation – and experience an organization whose groundbreaking work is shaking up the field of contemporary museology...

Native Nations
Resource Type

Steinberger, Heather. "Radical New Way to ‘Museum’: A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center." Indian Country Today Media Network. September 18, 2014. Article. (https://ictnews.org/archive/radical-new-way-to-museum-ashiwi-awan-museum-and-heritage-center, accessed June 7, 2023)

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