Dismembering Natives: The Violence Done by Citizenship Fights


Outside Indian Country most don't realize that over the past 10 years, several thousand people have had their tribal citizenship status terminated. Most were not dismembered for wrongdoing or adopted by other Native nations. They were simply identified by their elected officials as allegedly no longer meeting revised citizenship criteria. One day they were Native citizens, the next day, they were not. This fate has befallen individuals on a case by case basis over the years, but the practice has now reached alarming proportions never before witnessed...

Native Nations
Resource Type

Wilkins, David E. "Dismembering Natives: The Violence Done by Citizenship Fights." Indian Country Today. May 16, 2014. Article. (https://ictnews.org/archive/dismembering-natives-the-violence-done-by-citizenship-fights, accessed April 5, 2023)

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