First-time offenders learn accountability through diversion program run by tribal elders


The 2012 Annual Tulalip Tribal Court Report states 415 criminal cases were heard in court. Included in that 415, are 24 newly filed criminal alcohol charges and 69 disposed, meaning judicial proceeding have ended or a case that has been resolved. Also counted in that 415, are 76 newly filed criminal drug cases and 126 disposed. Helping to tackle these numbers is a group of volunteer Tulalip elders, who are teaching offenders accountability in a traditional way, and saving the court thousands of dollars...

Native Nations
Resource Type

Montreuil, Brandi N. "First-time offenders learn accountability through diversion program run by tribal elders." Tulalip News. March 19, 2014. Article. (, accessed May 5, 2023)

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