Weed and Seed, a community-based strategy sponsored by DOJ, is an innovative, comprehensive, multi-agency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization. The strategy aims to prevent, control, and reduce violent crime, drug abuse, and gang activity in designated high-crime neighborhoods across the country. The strategy involves a two-pronged approach: 1) law enforcement agencies and prosecutors cooperate in "weeding out" violent criminals and drug abusers; and 2) public agencies and community-based private organizations collaborate to "seed" much-needed human services, including prevention, intervention, treatment, and neighborhood restoration programs. A community-oriented policing component bridges the weeding and seeding elements.
In an effort to understand the needs of Indian Country Weed and Seed communities, the Community Capacity Development Office (CCDO) of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), hosts roundtable discussions with current and potential grantees. Eight roundtables have been held since 2006. The roundtables provide a forum for Indian tribes and native communities to voice their concerns and issues about the Weed and Seed Communities program administered by CCDO. This paper encapsulates those discussions, offering strategies for Native nations who are interested in designing their own offender reentry programs.
Additional Information
American Indian Development Associates. "Strategies for Creating Offender Reentry Programs in Indian Country." American Indian Development Associates. Albuquerque, New Mexico. August 2010. Paper. (https://www.aidainc.net/uploads/1/3/5/7/135765361/full_prisoner_reentry.pdf, accessed January 22, 2024)