cultural teachings


Sharon Day, Shawn Frank and Deborah Locke: Disenrollment (Q&A)

Panelists Sharon Day, Shawn Frank, and Deborah Locke field questions from the audience and a few participants offer their closing thoughts on the question of tribal citizenship and identity.  This video resource is featured on the Indigenous Governance Database with the permission of the …


Honoring Nations: Jeanette Clark Cassa: San Carlos Apache Elders Cultural Advisory Council

Jeanette Cassa (1929-2004), Coordinator of the San Carlos Apache Elders Cultural Advisory Council (ECAC), discusses ECAC's work and the traditional Apache core values that its member elders work to instill in the younger generations of Apache people. She also stresses the importance of tribal…


Jill Doerfler: "No Easy Answer": Citizenship Requirements

Anishinaabe scholar Jill Doerfler discusses the process that the White Earth Nation followed to arrive at their new constitution, and details the evolving debate at White Earth about which citizenship criteria it would incorporate into this new governing document.

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: The Seven Teachings

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: The Seven Teachings

"We are invited once again to revisit the time-honored teachings, and to embrace the old ways in order to renew our connection to the Sacred Teachings. We need this old knowledge in our lives to live in these modern times of technology." So began a PowerPoint presentation by Chi-Ma'iingan/Great…


Richard Luarkie: Choosing to be Bitter or Better: A Perspective from a Pueblo Upbringing

Pueblo of Laguna Governor Richard Luarkie shares his rich Pueblo upbringing, a deep tradition of contribution to community, and inspiration to live a great life. Richard has a passion to contribute to global economic and community advancement using his Pueblo cultural values and teachings.


Gregory Cajete: Rebuilding Sustainable Indigenous Communities: Applying Native Science

Dr. Gregory Cajete spoke as part of the "Alternative Forms of Knowledge Construction in Mathematics and Science" lecture series in Portland, Oregon which is co-sponsored by Portland State University and Portland Community College. The series features guest speakers who examine forms of mathematical…