Indigenous Governance Database
gaming compacts

Good Native Governance Break Out 2: Indian Gaming in California
UCLA School of Law "Good Native Governance" conference presenters, panelists and participants Jonathan Taylor, Victor Rocha, and Alexander Tallchief Skibine discuss gaming and its impact for Native nations in California. Mr. Taylor provides a summary of data collection illustrating change in…

Great Tribal Leaders of Modern Times: Kathryn Harrison
Produced by the Institute for Tribal Government at Portland State University in 2004, the landmark “Great Tribal Leaders of Modern Times” interview series presents the oral histories of contemporary leaders who have played instrumental roles in Native nations' struggles for sovereignty, self-…

Jaime Pinkham: Intergovernmental and Intertribal Relations: Walking the Sovereignty Walk
Jaime Pinkham discusses why the building of productive intergovernmental and intertribal relationships is so important, and shows how they can advance the nation-building efforts of Native nations. He shares a number of in-depth case-study examples illustrating how Native nations have engaged in…

Indian Pride: Episode 113: Indian Gaming
Indian Pride, an American Indian cultural magazine television series, spotlights the diverse cultures of American Indian people throughout the country. This episode of Indian Pride features Philip Hogen, former Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission, and focuses on the topic of Indian…