traditional dispute resolution


A Way Out of Conflict

"A Way Out of Conflict" is a short documentary film that provides an overview of how traditional dispute resolution approaches and strategies operate in Hopi communities today. It examines how the Hopi villages retain and exercise authority over the adjudication of certain types of disputes…

Peacemaking Program of the Judicial Branch of the Navajo Nation

Peacemaking Program of the Judicial Branch of the Navajo Nation

The concept of peacemaking or hózh̨óji naat’aah goes back to the beginning of time and is embedded in the journey narrative. In fact, according to the journey narrative, the Holy People journeyed through four worlds. In the course of their journey, they came upon many problems, which were either…

The Dynamics of Navajo Peacemaking

The Dynamics of Navajo Peacemaking

This article explains the traditional Navajo justice process using social psychology and Navajo discourse. It identifies the nayee or monster (things that get in the way of a successful life) in disputes in light of cognitive dissonance or the state of tension when a person holds two inconsistent…

Courts & Peacemaking in the Navajo Nation: A Public Guide

Courts & Peacemaking in the Navajo Nation: A Public Guide

The history of our judiciary begins in our ancient history. According to the Journey Narrative, the People journeyed through four worlds and, in the course of their journey, came upon many problems both natural and caused by the People, which had to be resolved before the journey…

Northern Cheyenne Tribe: Traditional Law and Constitutional Reform

Northern Cheyenne Tribe: Traditional Law and Constitutional Reform

This profile by Sheldon C. Spotted Elk examines the U.S. government's infringement on the Northern Cheyenne's political sovereignty. Most significantly, it examines the relationship between the oral history of the Northern Cheyenne and its impact on traditional tribal governance and law. Following…