Mortgage Lending on South Dakota’s Indian Trust Land: Findings from a Survey of Lenders

South Dakota Native Home Ownership Coalition

Since its formation in 2013, the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition (SDNHOC or “the Coalition”) has brought together a diverse group of more than 75 tribal, state, federal, nonprofit, and private sector stakeholders to identify barriers, share innovative solutions, and leverage resources to create a clear path to homeownership for Native people in South Dakota. In 2019, as part of this mission, SDNHOC commissioned two capacity-building needs assessments—one to identify the specific capacity-building needs of housing practitioners and other Coalition members, the other to evaluate the barriers and opportunities for lenders providing mortgage financing on Indian trust land. This document is the second of those reports, the needs assessment for lenders.

Native Nations
Resource Type

Jorgensen, Miriam and Hope Nation Consulting, LLC. 2019. Mortgage Lending on South Dakota’s Indian Trust Land: Findings from a Survey of Lenders. Kyle, South Dakota: South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition.

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