Navajo Cultural Identity: What can the Navajo Nation bring to the American Indian Identity Discussion Table?

Wicazo Sa Review

American Indian identity in the twenty-first century has become an engaging topic. Recently, discussions on Ward Churchilla's racial background became a hotbed issue on the national scene. A few Native nations, such as the Pechanga and Isleta Pueblo, have disenrolled members. Scholars such as Circe Sturm, in Blood Politics: Race, Culture, and Identity in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, and Eva Marie Garroutte, in Real Indians: Identity and Survival of Native America, have examined American Indian identity. More attention is being devoted to understanding the implications of racial identity in Native nations. What have we learned from these studies? We have learned that an imposed enrollment system has impacted Native nations...

Native Nations
Resource Type

Lee, Lloyd L. "Navajo Cultural Identity: What can the Navajo Nation bring to the American Indian Identity Discussion Table?" Wicazo Sa Review. Fall 2006. Paper. (, accessed May 30, 2024) 

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