2015 NCAI State of Indian Nations

National Congress of American Indians

During the annual State of Indian Nations address, NCAI President Brian Cladoosby, chairman of the Swinomish Nation, called on Congress and the Obama Administration to follow through on a policy action plan to improve economic opportunity, education, and innovation in Indian Country and for the federal government to modernize trust relations with tribal governments. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), chair of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, delivered the Congressional response. Remarking on the historic visit by President Obama to the Standing Rock Sioux Nation last year, President Cladoosby extended a personal invitation to Speaker Boehner, Leader Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell, and Minority Leader Reid, as well as every Member of Congress to visit Indian Country in 2015. During the major policy address, NCAI and Cladoosby outlined a clear plan and top-level priorities for Congress and the Administration that could attract bipartisan support, including funding the trust responsibility; tax reform; technology access; access to capital; energy reform; governmental partnership; and education reform. Additionally, NCAI called on financial sponsors of the Washington DC football team to join fair-minded Americans by standing with NCAI, tribes, Native organizations, civil rights organizations, religious leaders, and others to change the mascot of the Washington DC football team.

Resource Type

"2015 State of Indian Nations." National Congress of American Indians. Washington, D.C. 2015. Film. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88B_BujuSBw&feature=youtu.be, accessed February 22, 2023).

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