The Standing Rock Next Generation Plan


The Standing Rock Government is engaging in strategic planning. The Standing Rock strategic/government planning model differs from traditional planning models in that it defines 25 years as long term goals, 10 and 5 years as mid-term goals and takes into account the unique dynamics of the reservation and tribal government into its implementation process. This plan uses the term government to mean the tribal government apparatus, or the tribe’s complex system of organizing the functions of government through numerous bodies, departments, programs, and entities of which it exerts a measure of direct control or influence. This apparatus includes the elected government leadership, tribal departments and programs, and tribal government and business entities. This plan also seeks to build a bridge of collaboration with partner entities like schools, as well as community stakeholders like our citizens and area businesses. This model calls for the “all-hands-on deck” approach that it is going take to drastically and comprehensively reengineer the future the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

Native Nations

The Standing Rock Next Generation PlanStanding Rock Sioux Tribe Strategic Planning Committee. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Fort Yates, North Dakota. Report.  (, accessed June 26, 2024)

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