Indigenous Data Sovereignty: The CARE Principles and the Biocultural Labels Initiative



The NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology Alliance is a dynamic and multidisciplinary group of NYU faculty who are experts on the responsible and ethical creation, use and governance of technology in society. The Alliance is a provostial initiative that connects numerous NYU hubs and initiatives to create productive synergies across areas and interests related to public interest technology (PIT) and the University’s research, teaching, and commitment to civic engagement. The Alliance leverages these connections to support PIT students and graduates, to assess and evaluate their training and career trajectories, support new interdisciplinary PIT research, develop pipelines for diverse students doing PIT work, recognize faculty for PIT work, build new national collaborations with academic and non-academic institutions, and develop an international network of partner institutions.

This presentation by Jane Anderson, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Science, and Stephanie Russo Carroll, Assistant Professor, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy; Associate Director, Native Nations Institute at the University of Arizona, was a part of the Launch of the NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology event on February 6, 2020 at NYU.

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