Rebuilding Native Nations Builds Leadership

Indian Country Today

The late Hopi leader Thomas Banyacya once said, “Do not look outside yourself for a leader.” That’s good advice for those with inherent leadership qualities. Now the Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy at the University of Arizona is offering an in-depth program to help people develop their inner leaders.

Rebuilding Native Nations: Strategies for Governance and Development is a comprehensive distance-learning course series that provides students with the opportunity to learn about all the various components of Native nation building from people who are actually doing the on-the-ground work of building their nations. The series examines the critical governance and development challenges facing Native nations and surveys the breadth and diversity of Native nation-building efforts across Indian country...

Native Nations
Resource Type

Toensing, Gale. "Rebuilding Native Nations Builds Leadership." Indian Country Today Media Network. June 7, 2013. Article. (, accessed October 18, 2023)

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This short video provides a comprehensive overview of NNI's "Rebuilding Native Nations: Strategies for Governance and Development distance-learning course series. The curriculum examines the critical governance and development challenges facing Native nations and surveys the breadth and…

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