

Chairman Dave Archambault II: Laying the Foundation for Tribal Leadership and Self-governance

Chairman Archambault’s wealth and breadth of knowledge and experience in the tribal labor and workforce development arena is unparalleled. He currently serves as the chief executive officer of one of the largest tribes in the Dakotas, leading 500 tribal government employees and overseeing an array…

Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina: Recall, Removal, & Vacancies Excerpt

Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina: Recall, Removal, & Vacancies Excerpt

Article IV. Recall. 1.  The power to recall any elected official of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina who is in the second calendar year or later in his or her term is specifically reserved for the general membership of the Tribe. 2.  A recall election shall be held when a petition…

Kaw Nation: Initiative & Referendum Excerpt

Kaw Nation: Initiative & Referendum Excerpt

ARTICLE XII: INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Section 1. The citizens of the Kaw Nation reserve unto themselves the power of initiative and referendum. Section 2. Initiative. Any issue shall be submitted for an initiative election pursuant to this section upon receipt of a petition containing…

Nez Perce Tribe: Legislative Functions Excerpt

Nez Perce Tribe: Legislative Functions Excerpt

ARTICLE VIII POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE NEZ PERCE TRIBAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  Section 1. The NPTEC shall have the following powers, to be exercised in accordance with this Constitution and with the applicable statutes of the United States. (A) To represent the Tribe in negotiations with…

Hopi Tribe: Governmental Structure Excerpt

Hopi Tribe: Governmental Structure Excerpt

ARTICLE III-ORGANIZATION SECTION 1. The Hopi Tribe is a union of self-governing villages sharing common interests and working for the common welfare of all. It consists of the following recognized villages: First Mesa (consolidated villages of Walpi, Shitchumovi, and Tewa). Mishongnovi.…

Pueblo of Laguna: Elections Excerpt

Pueblo of Laguna: Elections Excerpt

ARTICLE III - THE PUEBLO COUNCIL, STAFF OFFICERS AND SETTLEMENTS Section 1. - The Pueblo Council. The governing power of the Pueblo shall be vested in the Pueblo of Laguna Council. The Pueblo Council, functioning as one (1) governmental entity, shall be composed of the following officials…

Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate: Elections Excerpt

Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate: Elections Excerpt

ARTICLE V - NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS  SECTION 1. The first election of the Council under this Revised Constitution shall be called, held and supervised by the present Council within one hundred twenty (120) days after its approval. Successful candidates at this first election shall assume…

Haida Nation: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

Haida Nation: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

ARTICLE 1 HAIDA TERRITORIES A1.S1 The Territories of the Haida Nation include the entire lands of Haida Gwaii, the surrounding waters, sub-surface and the air space. The waters include the entire Dixon Entrance, half of the Hecate Straits, halfway to Vancouver Island and Westward into the abyssal…

Westbank First Nation: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

Westbank First Nation: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

2. Aboriginal Rights and Title 2.1 Westbank is part of the Okanagan Nation which has occupied and benefited from Okanagan traditional territory since time immemorial. 2.2 Westbank has never ceded, surrendered, or in any way relinquished aboriginal title and will continue to assert its interests and…

Yurok Tribe: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

Yurok Tribe: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

ARTICLE I - TERRITORY , JURISDICTION AND AUTHORITY SECTION 1 - Ancestral Lands The Ancestral Lands of the Yurok Tribe extend unbroken along the Pacific Ocean coast (including usual and customary off­shore fishing areas) from Damnation Creek, its northern boundary, to the southern…

Tohono O'odham Nation: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

Tohono O'odham Nation: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

ARTICLE I - JURISDICTION Section 1. The sovereign powers, authority and jurisdiction of the Tohono O'odham Nation and of its government shall extend to all lands within the boundaries of the Tohono O'odham Nation established by Executive Orders: December 12, 1882, modified June 17, 1909 (Gila…

Rosebud Sioux Tribe: Elections Excerpt

Rosebud Sioux Tribe: Elections Excerpt

Article VI - Elections Section 1. Any enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, at least eighteen (18) years of age, who has resided for at least thirty (30) days immediately prior to the election day in the district in which he anticipates to vote, is qualified to vote. (Amendment XIV effective…

Rosebud Sioux Tribe: Legislative Functions Excerpt

Rosebud Sioux Tribe: Legislative Functions Excerpt

Article IV - Powers of the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council Section 1. Enumerated powers - The Council of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe shall exercise the following powers subject to any limitations imposed by the statutes or the Constitution of the United States, and subject further to all express…

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation: Jurisdiction/Territory Excerpt

ARTICLE I - TERRITORY AND JURISDICTION Section 1. The authority and jurisdiction of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation shall extend to the fullest extent possible, including, without limitation, (a) to any and all persons, including non-members and members of the Prairie Band …

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians: Elections Excerpt

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians: Elections Excerpt

ARTICLE V NOMINATION AND ELECTIONS Section 1. All elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The candidate or issue receiving the greatest number of votes cast shall prevail. In the event more than one representative is required to be elected for a district, the positions shall be filled…

Seneca Nation: Terms of Office Excerpt

Seneca Nation: Terms of Office Excerpt

SECTION I. Our government shall have a legislative, executive, and judiciary department. The legislative power shall be vested in a Council of sixteen members, who shall be known and called the Councillors of the Seneca Nation of Indians, eight Councillors elected to the Council shall be from the…

Skokomish Indian Tribe: Terms of Office Excerpt

Skokomish Indian Tribe: Terms of Office Excerpt

ARTICLE IV - TRIBAL COUNCIL Sec. 4.  Terms of Office Each Tribal Council member shall be elected for a term of four (4) years.  Terms of office for the seven (7) council members shall be staggered, two (2) members being elected each year for three (3) consecutive years and one (1) member…

Hoopa Valley Tribe: Recall, Removal, & Vacancies Excerpt

Hoopa Valley Tribe: Recall, Removal, & Vacancies Excerpt

ARTICLE VII - VACANCIES, REMOVAL, RECALL AND REFERENDUM Section 1. If any member of the Tribal Council or other elected official shall die, resign, be removed from office or shall be found guilty while in office of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude in any Indian, State or Federal…

Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes: Terms of Office Excerpt

Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes: Terms of Office Excerpt

ARTICLE VI - LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Section 3. Terms. District Legislator's shall serve four year staggered terms of office. A Legislator shall be eligible to serve three consecutive terms under this Constitution. Upon the completion of the third consecutive term, the Legislator shall not be…

Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes: Legislative Functions Excerpt

Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes: Legislative Functions Excerpt

ARTICLE VI - LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Section 1. Composition. The Legislative Branch shall be comprised of one Legislature. The Legislature shall consist of four Cheyenne Districts and four Arapaho Districts. Each Cheyenne District shall have one Cheyenne Legislator and each Arapaho District shall have…